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Justice Kailash Gambheer of Delhi high court has made remarkable comments on Hindu marriage and inclusion of sex in it while giving a judgment on a divorce case. The case admitted in to the court perusal for want of divorce as the wife is rejecting sex repeatedly and the couple underwent only 10-15 times in the span of 5 months. He commented as – how many times after the marriage they underwent sex is not the criteria but repeatedly rejecting sex without any proper reason is attributed to “Cruelty”. The success of the marriage is not gauge with the sex but the sex is the basement of marriage. Either the attachment or sex is the personal consideration and interest of couple, which strengthens their matrimonial binding. Marriage is sacred life event by which a Male and Female are living together to develop the offspring but not mere sexual act. To say the ultimate aim of marriage is sex is insulting the sanctity of marriage.         

Female Sexual Dysfunction

A Female sexual problem (common in 43% of women), or Female sexual dysfunction (FSD), refers to a problem during any phase of the sexual response cycle that prevents the Female to experience satisfaction in sexual activity. Female sexual dysfunction is a topic that many women are hesitant to discuss. Fortunately, most cases of female sexual dysfunction are treatable, so it is important to share your concerns with appropriative person. The common classification of sexual response cycle has four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Mostly the abuses in the relationship or money / control are harmful to sexual harmony. A small briefing about Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is narrated here.

Common physical conditions include – diabetes, heart problem, hormonal imbalances,

fatigue, etc.

Common psychological conditions include – stress, anxiety, depression, marital or

relationship problems, past sexual trauma, etc.

These small causes may cause a big turbulence in the matrimony. They may cause –

Inability to become aroused,

Lack of orgasm or Absence of an orgasm in sexual relations (anorgasmia), Painful intercourse (vaginismus – Muscular contraction that causes the vagina to close; usually an anxiety reaction before coitus or pelvic examination),  and Inhibited sexual desire.

The success of the treatment for female sexual dysfunction depends on the underlying cause of the problem. Even though it is personal, it is a treatable or reversible physical condition.

Proper counseling, education, and improved communication between partners make the life happy.

 How much sex –
   we enjoy in life time?

   26th year = 225
   27th to 31st year = 900
   32nd to 46th year = 900
   47th to 57th year = 480
   After 57th year = 95
   A total 2600 orgasms in 13000 minutes

 (Sex) We think much and Do little –

Sex is the instinct or attraction drawing one gender to another to get orgasm by coital pleasure. Everybody talk much about sex in camera but never in open talk. We find usually difficulty in talking about sex, so it is never understood in the life. By the time we understand it – the age is barred. According to Dr. Louann Brizendine, author of “The Female Brain,” men think about sex every 52 seconds, while women tend to think about it just once a day. Apparently, men are thinking about sex a great deal more than women. We are bombarded with an average of 1500 advertisements a day and many of these rely on the old adage “sex sells.” Both men and women are getting “sexier” regardless of how often each supposedly thinks about it. On one level, we treat sex as a normal part of everyday life, but at a deeper level, we are still like little kids for whom sex is naughty and evil.  As adults, we think about sex, dream about sex and fantasize about sex [1]. We watch movies where everyone has marathon sex bouts (recently in India, Karnataka and Gujarat MLA’s are on this issue).
How much sex we enjoy in life time?

Let us make a small calculation on this part. Usually in India a boy gets married at the age of 25 (average) years. As soon as got married, he explores everyday for few (6) months, some times twice a day. When we take out the average days leaving the menstrual days, festivals, etc, in a month it will be around 25 time’s coital pleasure. So, the coital count for first 6 months is – 25 X 6 = 150. The next 6 months the average drops to 50%, so it will be 75. So, for the first 365 days a total of 225 orgasms are undertaken. As the children appear, the subsequent 5 years goes with on and off an average of 15 times in month calculated to 180 orgasms multiplied for 5 years is 900 orgasms. Later as the responsibilities in the job and house are dumped it will be 5 times average per month makes a total 15 years of time with 900 orgasms. Next 10 years if fitness is maintained may be weekly once makes another 480 orgasms bagged. It is doubtful to have orgasms after the age of 57, if a bonus is given another 95 orgasms. It becomes a grand total of 2600 orgasms. If an orgasm is of 5 minutes the total time spent of orgasms is – 13000 minutes or 216.66 hours or 9 days out of a standard 60 years of life. Now it is to decide whether the marriage is for sex / orgasm or harmony / intimacy.

Are there any benefits with sex?

Yes. There are many benefits with regular sex (not the adultery [Extramarital sex that wilfully and maliciously interferes with marriage relations]). A harmonious sex is for harmonious life. The benefits of male and female may differ. Sex Relieves Stress and Boosts Immunity. But one thing is sure – it makes Calories to burn and makes the body fit for both. Sex not only Improves Intimacy it Boosts Self-Esteem also. Cordial sex is good for cardiac (Heart) health. Sex has good effect over the low-back. It Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles and reduces the risk of Prostate Cancer. After sex effects includes a good sleep at the end.

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